Claudio Brigante

Dr. Claudio Brigante , graduated with a degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan, and specializes in Obstetrics and gynecology since 1988. He has externsive experience in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technologies since 1984 and is also a practicing gynecologistl and obstetrician with experience especially in minimal invasive reproductive surgery. In 1991 he delivered the first baby born after gamete intrauterine transfer. Currently he is taking part in clinical research projects focusing on the effects of luteal phase support on endometrial receptivity and optimizing protocols of ovarian stimulation for Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Author of about one hundred Reproductive Medicine papers, he has attended as participant and speaker many conferences and events. He is a JARG reviewer since 2013 and long-standing member of ESHRE and ASRM.

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Dr. Claudio Brigante , graduated with a degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan, and specializes in Obstetrics and gynecology since 1988. He has externsive experience in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technologies since 1984 and is also a practicing gynecologistl and obstetrician with experience especially in minimal invasive reproductive surgery. In 1991 he delivered the first baby born after gamete intrauterine transfer. Currently he is taking part in clinical research projects focusing on the effects of luteal phase support on endometrial receptivity and optimizing protocols of ovarian stimulation for Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Author of about one hundred Reproductive Medicine papers, he has attended as participant and speaker many conferences and events. He is a JARG reviewer since 2013 and long-standing member of ESHRE and ASRM.

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